The Collective
When we started RecOps Collective, we knew our community needed more than one voice or opinion.
Unfortunately, there wasn’t a single place for RecOps professionals to go to find guides/frameworks, thought pieces, and humor specific to our space.
This space is for RecOps to share those ideas and also see their work up in a public space.
If you want to submit an article, don't hesitate to contact for guidelines and submission.
Legal Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in these articles are those of the writers. They do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer, or company. Assumptions made in the analysis do not reflect the position of any entity other than the author. As critically thinking human beings, views are always subject to change, revision, and rethinking at any time. They are not to be held in perpetuity.
Original RecOps Collective Material

Discovering RecOps: Passion and Problem-Solving by Geva Whyte
A journey from aspiring Pediatrician to RecOps expert, driven by a love for solving dynamic challenges. Key achievements include onboarding workshops and promoting DEI. Future plans are open, with a passion for continuous learning and helping others at the core.

Discovering RecOps: A Long Time Ago in an ATS Far Far Away by Rebecca A. Demarest
Artist. Writer. RecOps Professional. Come along on this adventure as Rebecca Demarest, winner of Greenhouse’s 2023 Talent Maker award.

Discovering RecOps: A Creative, New World by Nitin Moorjani
From music dreams to mastering RecOps, Nitin’s journey to discovering RecOps blends creativity with strategic talent operations.

Discovering RecOps: Making the Jump from Recruiter to RecOps by Tessa Denney
Tessa Denney knew she wanted to be in recruiting since leaving college but took a familiar journey from Recruiter to RecOps. She captures this path perfectly in her Discovering RecOps piece.

Three Tips for Leveling Up Communication by Lauren Friedman
Communication is key in everything we do. Lauren Friedman stops by to give three tips for leveling up your communication.

How to Get Global Recruiting Right: Tips and Tricks by Erik McRae
Erik McRae knows his fair share about hiring globally. In this brilliant piece, he covers everything you need to know and more.

Discovering RecOps: How a Variety of Experiences Could Lead You Here by Jennifer Kurtz
Recruiting Operations (RecOps) is a location everyone gets to differently. In this article, Jennifer Kurtz shows coming up from an RC uncovered different ways of thinking about RecOps.

You Just Became a RecOps Leader. What Now? by Dan Goyeneche
Everyone starts somewhere when it comes to RecOps. So where do you start when you just became the one in charge of the RecOps team? Daniel Goyeneche shares his knowledge on what to do and why in this article.

Discovering RecOps: Crash Course in RecOps by Kevin Minchella
Recruiting Operations (RecOps) is a location everyone gets to differently. In this article, Kevin Michella shows coming up from an RC uncovered different ways of thinking about RecOps.

What RecOps Leaders Should Expect from their ATS Implementation and Onboarding
An applicant tracking system (ATS) implementation is a notoriously intricate process. They require a team to execute correctly and an excellent partnership between the RecOps and Customer Success teams. Kelsey Peterson brings her expertise in this piece on creating that partnership.

Discovering RecOps: Learnings from a Career Transition into RecOps by Tom Allegretti
Recruiting Operations (RecOps) is a location everyone gets to differently. In this article, Tom Allegretti shows how the experiences he had in different fields led him to RecOps.

Discovering RecOps - How Experience in Other Careers Gives Perspective in RecOps by Ashley Wines
Recruiting Operations (RecOps) is a location everyone gets to differently. In this article, Ashley Wines shows why experiences in other careers make better RecOps.

Parallels between RecOps and Other Fields/Ideas
Recruiting Operations (aka RecOps) is a multi-disciplinary field with practitioners skilled in pulling from everywhere. This ongoing articles recounts some of those parallels.

Discovering RecOps: From Skeptic to Full-Believer by Mark Jenkins
Recruiting Operations (RecOps) is a location everyone gets to differently. In this series, we highlight how Mark Jenkins discovered it moving from skeptic to full believer.

Discussing Headcount with Tushar Makhija, CEO of TeamOhana (Part 1)
Our discussion series focuses on in-depth interviews with the movers and shakers in the TA/HR tech space and how what they are developing will impact RecOps. In this two-part series, we caught up with Tushar Makhja of TeamOhana to discuss headcount and different ways to think about it.

Discovering RecOps: When RecOps Discovers You by Tom Ford
Recruiting Operations (RecOps) is a location everyone gets to differently. Tom Ford discusses how he discovered RecOps.

People of RecOps: Desiree Goldey
People of RecOps is a series that features profiles of those in the space.

Discovering RecOps: From Global Marketing to Talent Operations by Desiree Goldey
Recruiting Operations (RecOps) is a location everyone gets to differently. In this series, we highlight how Desiree Goldey discovered it.

Choosing the Right RecOps Stack
Building the right tech stack in RecOps can be hard. Our co-founder Jeremy and Joe Atkinson from PURPL sat down to chat about how to build the right RecOps stack.

Leading Through Influence for RecOps Professionals: A Conversation with Jim Miller
While the technical and hard skills of RecOps professionals may differ, one key soft skill is universal: leading through influence. This was an interview with Jim Miller, VP of People & Talent at Ashby, and Jeremy Lyons.
Check out others in the Space
We know we aren’t the only ones in the space putting out content and information that helps our community. We’ve organized it here and are always looking to add more.
Yello’s Blog
Growth by Design Talent
Recruiting Brainfood - This is more heavily focused on Recruiting, but there might be some good articles that Ops people can use.
We recommend joining the following communities:
TA Innovation Hive
Talent Acquisition Trends & Strategy by James Mackey
Talent Ops Anonymous by Beamery
A-Players Podcast: Introduction to Recruitment Operations
Ashby’s Offer Accepted
Ben Collins - YouTube / Website
Prolific Oaktree - YouTube / Website
Sheets Help
RecOps: Recruiting is (Still) Broken. Here’s How to Fix It by James Colino
How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter about Visual Information by Alberto Cairo
Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
Effective Data Storytelling: How to Drive Change with Data, Narrative and Visuals by Brent Dykes
Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson
Who: The A Method for Hiring by Geoff Smart and Randy Street
Here Be Dragons: How to Win Deals and Influence Ideas by Mastering the Eloquent Art of Storytelling by Richard Mulholland
Calendly - 14 recruiting software tools to automate and streamline your hiring process
Crosschq - 2023 Recruiting Benchmarks and Metrics Report - How to Design an Interviewing Rating System
Luke Eaton - Recruitment Operations 101 - This is a data-heavy take on RecOps
Vendor Interviews:
A huge part of RecOps is the technology. So we’ve interviewed the following companies to give you a head start.